Monday, May 10, 2010

stupid monospaced typewriters!

Finally! Finally, I have completed my last assignments today. They are turned in, and I could not be more ecstatic. It is kind of an odd feeling. I can't say that I'm really all that proud, just glad that it is over. I have time to decide if I'll be going back later for more torture. Probably...

On to another completely random question though. I recently had a request for more material on my book by a super, awesome (and many other fun crazy words) agent. Even if she hates my writing, it has been a blast going over her blog. Anyway, on her page, she specifically outlines that submitted manuscripts should have only one space after the period. I started flipping out and scoured the web to find a way to eliminate my double spacing.

The solution was relatively simple. Use the find/replace function in word and presto. All 5,000+ changes made with one simple push of a button. However, I also stumbled into this hefty argument over which way is correct. Turns out, the way I was taught is wrong! Something about it going back to mono-spacing on typewriters or something. Newsflash, not even 30 yet. I've had a computer in my classroom since early elementary. Still, this did not stop my teachers from drilling me about inserting two spaces after end punctuation.

So now, back to what I really wanted to know. Should I try to change this terrible habit of double spacing, even though I cannot seem to keep my thumb from doing it automatically? Or, should I simply not worry about it except for manuscripts and then just do a simple change at the end? I truly fear it is hopeless if it's best for me to just change after all this time!

1 comment:

  1. I say don't worry about it except on manuscripts. Then just replace all the second spaces before you submit it. It'll be a personality querk for when you are famous.
