Monday, May 24, 2010

Spirit Bound

Another week, another book. 

3/5 Books (Stars Don't Seem Right)

I completed Richelle Mead's Spirit Bound a couple of days ago, which released on May 18th.  It is the fifth book in the Vampire Academy series.  I want to begin by stating that I am a little torn by my own rating of this book.  It really was great.  However, compared to the suspense built throughout the series this one lacked a little of the usual luster. 

For example, in book 4, Blood Promise, we went through this gut wrenching journey with Rose as she hunted down her one true love to destroy after he was unwilling turned evil.  It was truly his desire to be killed than 'live' such a horrendous life.  We are also introduced to Rose's father, a handy person to know regardless of his sketchy lifestyle.  Book 4 made me cry almost from start to end.  When I look at Spirit Bound, it moved the story of Rose and her friends forward, it was entertaining to read, and even ended with an awesome set up for the next book.  It simply did not have the wow factor that I have come to expect from this series.  I had been anticipating this title since completing Blood Promise, and after reading it was left going, "Hmmmm." 

I particularly enjoyed the change we are seeing in Rose's character as she matures.  She is still overly quick to jump into situations many would think crazy and even a bit reckless.  She is beginning to realize, though, that she has endured more than most her age.  Her experiences have forced her to grow and try to do the right thing for others, even when those actions are not her first choice.

I do not mean to hinder anyone from reading it.  I love the series!  It's just hard to top the many climactic events Rose has endured in earlier books.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Van Alen Legacy

4/5 Books (Stars Don't Seem Right)

Now that I have finally finished classes (at least for now), I finally have time to catch up on some of the reading that I feel I have been getting behind on. One of the books I finished reading this week was the fourth installment of Melissa De La Cruz's Blue Blood series, The Van Alen Legacy.

I enjoy following Schuyler, Oliver, Bliss, Aphrodite, and a host of other characters from the initial discovery of their true ancestry through the overwhelming trials since. While the main plot for the series revolves around Schuyler's half blood status and how she fits into the world, a connection is made with many of the other characters as well.

In this latest installment, Schuyler and Oliver are on the run, literally for their lives. Bliss is dealing with a personality disorder from out of this world. And finally, a softer, more responsible Aphrodite is temporarily revealed. Overall, The Van Alen Legacy was as expected. I enjoyed the read enough to stay up far to late into the night to finish it. A word of caution to those easily confused. The multiple names for different characters (and the historical stories that pull them all together) are crucial to the story but occasionally difficult to keep straight in this installment as more characters are introduced.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New Layout!

Had a blast redoing the look of my blog. I've not been running it very long, and had no clue what I was doing designing it to begin with. I finally found time to do some digging and realized it was far easier to do than I had figured. Hope you all think it looks as good as I do!

Monday, May 17, 2010

words to move forward by

Day Clear - 1,300 Words

Sent request material from FTOD to super agent!

So, yet again I'm feeling pretty pathetic. In the last two weeks I have only managed to write about 1300 words in one of my projects. In my defense, we did spend a lot of time cleaning up flood damage in the basement. Then I had even more time go towards catching up laundry from the mess. All in all, these are just excuses.

Since accountability here on this blog is not working as well as expected, I have developed a schedule for the next two weeks to get more done. (After that I will have to make a new schedule because James will be officially done with public school.) I swore this blog would solve my procrastination issues. When I had my wonderful friend Marie begging for a new chapter each week, I could deliver. Now that we no longer live ten minutes from each other, or even the same state, I am struggling to find motivation for my self. Again I say, as I have before in my blog, feel free to harass me to keep writing.

I love to write but rarely allow myself 'me' time to do it. Since I am not a paid author, it is still a pleasure in my life instead of a job. One day I will be able to write guilt free. Until that day, I will simply do it anyway. The guilt is self imposed and I plan to eliminate it. Through sheer will, if necessary. This is my guilty pleasure, and I plan on making it more pleasure and less guilt.

Anyone else deal with this? I would gladly take suggestions on how to deal with it.

Monday, May 10, 2010

stupid monospaced typewriters!

Finally! Finally, I have completed my last assignments today. They are turned in, and I could not be more ecstatic. It is kind of an odd feeling. I can't say that I'm really all that proud, just glad that it is over. I have time to decide if I'll be going back later for more torture. Probably...

On to another completely random question though. I recently had a request for more material on my book by a super, awesome (and many other fun crazy words) agent. Even if she hates my writing, it has been a blast going over her blog. Anyway, on her page, she specifically outlines that submitted manuscripts should have only one space after the period. I started flipping out and scoured the web to find a way to eliminate my double spacing.

The solution was relatively simple. Use the find/replace function in word and presto. All 5,000+ changes made with one simple push of a button. However, I also stumbled into this hefty argument over which way is correct. Turns out, the way I was taught is wrong! Something about it going back to mono-spacing on typewriters or something. Newsflash, not even 30 yet. I've had a computer in my classroom since early elementary. Still, this did not stop my teachers from drilling me about inserting two spaces after end punctuation.

So now, back to what I really wanted to know. Should I try to change this terrible habit of double spacing, even though I cannot seem to keep my thumb from doing it automatically? Or, should I simply not worry about it except for manuscripts and then just do a simple change at the end? I truly fear it is hopeless if it's best for me to just change after all this time!

Monday, May 3, 2010

words to move forward by

Day Clear - Approximately 500 Words

What an insanely crazy week! I don't even really know where to begin.

Overall, school is getting a little tiring. May 11 is my last day and I have 4 assignments left to go. It's not really that much, it just seems to be taking a lot of time. May 27 is James' last day. I cannot wait for him to be done. It is a blessing to be allowed in his classroom everyday. I will just be able to get more done when four hours a day is not spent out. I'll try to explain. I am a person strictly dictated by how I start my day. If I get up early and start working I get a ton done. If I get up early and leave, when I get home I get nothing done. And finally, if I get up and start reading a book, my day is gone before I realize that I have not left the couch. I try hard to not allow myself that last one. Long story short, Monday, Tuesday, and part of Friday were all devoted to me completing this degree.

Wednesday...I thought this was going to be my miserable day for the week. I was wrong. On Wednesday, I had that one yearly doctor checkup that all women know they need, but spend the entire year hoping there was a way to avoid. After volunteering all morning and three hours spent between the doctor's office and pharmacy, I still managed to come home and write a couple pages. Sadly, this is the only 'writing' I completed this week.

That just leaves Thursday, the rest of Friday, and this weekend. I'll put it out there now that Thursday is my one night a week to indulge in TV. I love Bones, Supernatural, and Vampire Diaries. Sadly, I'm always one week behind on VD because it and Bones are on at the same time. Friday night is also family night. We eat pizza in the living room while watching movies. This week James helped make homemade pizza and we watched Where the Wild Thing Are. It should have stayed only a book.

And now for my bad day(s)...Just thinking about it is disgusting. I live in Tennessee. My basement started flooding Saturday. My wonderful husband and I have been working almost nonstop to minimize damage. Right now, it looks like our efforts have paid off, but we will not know for sure until Monday night when trash has been hauled off and the flooring is up. We were lucky, though, and I send my prayers to the families dealing with so much more.

Any unaccounted for time was surely spent wrangling my monkey or trying, and failing, to keep my house clean. As always, feel free to harass me for whatever it is next week that tries to keep me from writing. I need it after the travesty that was last week.