Sunday, June 13, 2010

Really TIME? Arizona is Targeting Immigrants?

Rarely do I put my opinion out there quite so publicly, but I'm appalled slightly more than usual.

Here's a link to an article running from TIME on yahoo news.

Arizona's Next Immigration Target: Children of Illegals

The article's opening sentence instantly puts a negative vibe on new legislation soon to be proposed in the state of Arizona. In general, this newest illegal immigration bill would prevent children born to illegal immigrants from receiving a birth certificate, and therefore American citizenship. Within the article, it was mentioned that, according to recent polls, 58% of Americans are in favor of such legislation. However, the article then began tearing apart the constitutionality of such a bill. It also gave opinionated voice to those who oppose any of the new immigration laws being introduced in Arizona.

Only recently have I given significant thought to the immigration problem our country faces. My husband and I decided to home school our son. In following my states regulations, I gathered the necessary paperwork to register him with our local school district. When I arrived, I was appalled that a birth certificate is not even necessary to register your child for school. I found it ironic that the regulations stated that if your child were born abroad (as mine was due to my husband's military service) that you must provide proof of PPD testing (Tuberculosis). However, no documentation was requested of me because she was unable to look at any of his citizenship birth abroad forms or social security card due to new legislation. There was no way for this woman to know where my son was born.

How safe are our American children if these things are being overlooked so we don't offend illegal immigrants. To overlook such things would be similar to ignoring sexual offender lists within a school district. Whether you agree with me or not, both are illegal and possibly risk the health and safety of our children. I live in TN, where there is a no child left behind policy. While I firmly believe that children should not be punished for the actions of their parents, I do believe it is wrong for our government to expect hard working American citizens to pay taxes to support non-citizen children.

I also found it ironic that individuals could question whether this bill was constitutional or not following the recent government takeover of our freedom of choice in respect to our individual health care. The new 'anchor baby' bill is being designed to protect our American citizens and their resources. My husband is a soldier willing to risk his life to protect the freedoms our country is supposed to provide. He has sacrificed dearly in Iraq to earn the right to call himself a proud American. My son and myself also live a life with sacrifices many Americans will never know to support my husband and our country. Why should I feel bad for the deportation of illegals who are taking advantage of our country when they can't even be bothered to apply for citizenship?

Frankly, I don't believe that Arizona is targeting immigrants. I believe that immigrants are targeting the over generous nature of the American people, and Arizona is finally willing to take a stand that the rest of the country should follow.


  1. I could not agree more. I think it is high time that we as Americans stand up and take back what we have work to achieve. If we remove those that just wish to feed off of us and have everything handed to them on the backs of the people that are willing to break their backs for.
    -Justin Rodden

  2. So true. There is a line that needs to be drawn. We elect people who push all these stupid bills through Congress that take away our rights and when someone decides to take a stand against something that truly needs to be looked at and fixed, they're accused of "targeting" people and the press has a field day.
