Monday, June 7, 2010

House of Night - Burned

3/5 Books (As Always, Stars Don't Seem Right)

Need a light read?  This is your series.  It is fun and light, but with a million things always going on.  Zoey is typically a very unique character who always does her own thing, even if it backfires on her.  Oh, and did I mention, there's VAMPIRES.

In Burned, book 7 of the HON series, Zoey basically takes a back seat when her soul is shattered.  Though emotionally exhausted and battling an evil immortal, her team must pick up the pieces to save both Zoey and the book.  Aphrodite is one of my absolute favorite characters because she is real.  A realistic teenage hag, who just happens to be on the side of light! 

I'll be completely honest about this series.  I almost quit reading it after the first few books.  As a Christian, I hated what felt like a brutal assault against my faith.  It has been nice to see a change in the feel of the books, as far as religion is concerned.  It is each person's right to find what is best for them in their own time.  As a Christian, I believe it's important to trust God in all matters.  Love people and leave judgment where it belongs.  (Which is not in my hands.)  Like all faiths, mine isn't without hypocrites and over-bearing individuals.  The demonstration of completely different faiths working together for a true positive outcome in the world was a refreshing change that kept me coming back. 

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