Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Job

I initially started this blog to keep me on track writing my books. Frankly put, I'm far to random for it to stay that way. And so, here begins the first of many odd misadventures that seem to find their way into my life.

Over the last few months Justin and I have decided to home school our monkey man, James. (Though he often informs us that is a gross miscalculation, and we should call him ape because he doesn't have a tail.... 5 year olds...sigh) Anyway, we have searched out our choice curriculum and started converting the office into a school room. James is a little nervous about the idea because he is sure he will miss his friends from Pre-K. He completely forgets them when we remind him he will get to start Taekwondo when he turns six. He also wants to learn to play the guitar, and we have discussed starting lessons for him when we start home schooling.

I explain all this only to show the complete irony in my job endeavors. Last fall I put in a few applications with the schools on post. I was going to go back to work when James first started school. I heard absolutely nothing back from any of the application submissions. Because we moved in December/January and I had to drive James back and forth to the military post for school, I began volunteering each day at the school. In the last few days, I have been offered a job. Twice! What's a girl to do?

Ultimately, I have kindly declined. My son comes first, and my husband and I do not want him in public school for many reasons. The money would be nice, but is not necessary. I am blessed that my husband has a job that completely provides for us. And should something change, the vice principal, who is in charge of hiring for the school, told me to come see him.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

words to move forward by

First Touch of Dark - Words=79,315 Pages=253 - In Editing

Second Stroke of Shade - Fully Outlined

Day Clear - Words=8,249 Pages=30

Other Projects -
General Outline for Alyce's Story Series
2 Book Ideas on back burner

Between the decision to go back to school and volunteer time with James' school, my writing time has severely suffered. In an effort to keep me moving forward, I will now be posting exactly what I have completed each week actually writing. This is not including any so called research. Reading a million YA books will never get my own written, although I wish it could sometimes. Buried in a book is a great place to be! This also does not include the time I spend over obsessing about the agent I do not have...yet!

Here's where I stand at this moment. I am working on Day Clear (a running title I like, but am still unsure of). It is a lot of fun and pays great tribute to the five years I lived in Germany. First Touch of Dark is currently with Amy, otherwise known as Superwoman, who makes everything look effortless. Hopefully she has completely ripped it apart. I love brutal honesty. It has done nothing but improve the book so far. The other projects are just waiting to be picked up. Finishing book two is priority one right now. Which really means I should get done with chapter 3. (LOL) I am also debating the idea of submitting some shorter work to journals. Any thoughts on this?

In other words, feel free to harass me about playing on Facebook or any of my other outlandish addiction that keep me distracted from actually writing. I also want to give a shout out to Literary Agent Jennifer Jackson for her 'letters from the query war', which gave me the idea of accountability in my writing. Thanks!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Just Getting Started

So, I've decided I'm a bit behind the times. I love to write, and what better way and place than here is there? The road for a writer is a long and winding one. I've learned that patience and determination are the only things that will get me where I want to be.... Well, that and to just keep plugging along on this broken-in keyboard. The shiny groove left on the space bar where my thumb is placed calls to me. Daily. I must say that I'm excited and nervous both to be sitting here. First time and all! It brings back awful memories of Jr. High Band recitals. I didn't always want to be a writer. I even started college with the intent to be a math teacher. It's too bad I hadn't learned earlier that I hate math. So many other authors say in interviews that they knew from a young age it was their dream to write. My passion simply fell into my lap one day, mostly in the form of an early-life-crisis. At least that is what I am calling it. I began truly writing just before I turned 25. Don't ask me why it was that birthday that scared me, I haven't a clue. Underneath all the craziness going on in my own life, a story started to unfold. I was going to write it, even if no other soul ever saw it. Still now, few have read it. I'm good with that. I do laugh at the wit and eccentricities I find in many other YA authors out there. I would feel lucky to call myself among them one day. Sadly, wit is not my specialty, though eccentric is completely within the realm of possibility.